Our philosophy is to offer the highest quality products in all our ranges We wanted to apply this philosophy to the geometry of the X21 SL hardtail bike. We have chosen this geometry to achieve the qualities required by a competitive bike.

In our obsession to offer the best bike we've shaved around 300g off the X21. The carbon frame makes it stiffer and more lightweight. This model has all the good qualities of the X21 model, but with improved stiffness.
Its qualities make it an efficient bike for circuits and for the riders’ demands.
Although it has the same geometry as the X21 model, this model is designed for rapid climbs and stable descents, offering great versatility.

We say no to conformism
Our team was not satisfied with just offering an efficient and fast bike, they wanted to go one step further and give the rider a bike with all the conditions to compete and with a high quality performance.
The frame is made of high quality carbon fibre manufactured with an expanded polystyrene process. The frame offers strength and a perfect racing quality.
X21 SL
Every rider is different and we all have our preferences. But you can choose your bike to suit you 100%. Click here to configure yours!