KAS & Mendiz Project

The project that we present to you today is very special to us.

For decades the @KAS brand has been synonymous with great cyclists and well known by "old" fans, who will remember KAS as one of the best teams in the world.

Eusebio Velez de Mendizabal founded our Mendiz bicycle company almost 40 years ago and before that, for more than 10 years he proudly wore the team's yellow and blue jersey and after his time as a cyclist he became director of the 1973 Kas cycling team. to 1978, coinciding with the time of maximum splendor of this Alava team.

A few months ago, from KAS we received the mission to customize several of our #F12 with the traditional colors of KAS.

It has been a challenge and an honor for us to be able to connect with our past, through the customization for the KAS brand, of our top bike that today competes in professional teams such as Eneikat.Solo podemos agradecer a Kas la confianza depositada en nosotros y en nuestras bicis.

Almost 60 years separate these two images of Eusebio, our founder and our #F12 with the colors of the Kas that he defended for so many years.

KAS & Mendiz